
Noel de Christian Photography offers limited edition contemporary large-format prints for the home or business.

What is an Artist Proof?

Think of an artist proof as a finished print that is currently in inventory and ready for delivery. Normally, a client orders a print from my portfolio then the order goes to the print lab (I only work with a couple of the world’s best print makers) for production. This process can take up to 2 months to complete based on numerous factors including the size and complexity of the order. Artist Prints are prints that were previously produced to display in galleries so the print is already on hand. No waiting and the purchaser doesn’t have to pay for the initial shipping fee. Please note that locals can either pick up the print or have it personally delivered but if shipping is required, then that fee will be added to he cost of the piece. Of course, because an artist print has already been printed, the size specified on the print’s specification is final. Equally important to note that all my prints can be professionally framed and even double framed by the purchaser’s favorite framer. Here’s a link to my current Artist Proofs.