Photography Classes in Hollywood, FL

Join Noel de Christian for one of his fun classes as he teaches you basic photography in his Hollywood gallery. Think of this as a photography class with a twist: learn to take better pictures, meet others, and bring your favorite wine to class, along with a smile. No professional equipment is needed. Secure your spot today, because space is very limited.

4 Hours Photography Business Consulting


4 Hours Photography Business Consulting


Photography business consulting is designed for the new, or established, photographer who wishes to improve his/her business kills and brand. This is a four-hour intensive look into everything that a working photographer needs to know to make it in the industry. This consulting will evaluate your portfolio, web presence, business licensing, promotional materials, fees structure, hardware and personal development. The consultation is handled in a professional matter and everything discussed is kept strictly confidential. Book your private consultation today.

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Once this service is booked and paid for, Noel will be contacting you to setup the date and time that is convenient for you. If client is in the South Florida area, the meeting can take place in person (keeping to social distancing) or via skype for those who prefer it.